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Welcome to the official company website Logistic Team Sekulic PDF Print E-mail
Dear customers, it is our pleasure to present to you in this way too. For all of you who know us and work with us, as well as for those who hear for us for the first time, greeting and welcome to our web page.

On these pages we will present our services. A new logistic center is only an extension of 18-year successful business of the company International Transport Sekulic (ITS) from Kraljevo. Besides transport, we deal with expedition, warehouse services and warehouse logistics, renting office space and distribution of goods to the final user.

Company "Logistic Team Sekulić" (LTS) as recently completed works on the construction of one of the most modern logistic centers in the region.
We hope that you will find here all the information you need.
We wish you a pleasant stay on our site.
With respect LTS web team

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